How AI can help you skip more meetings

Is there anything AI can’t do? From the Australian Financial Review:

Why would you go to an hour-long meeting if you could read a fairly accurate summary of it in five minutes? Attendance would only make sense if you believed you could make a particularly valuable contribution to the discussion.

That’s especially true if you only planned to sit through an hour-long meeting to hear five minutes of insights about one specific topic, something Hackney describes as a common occurrence.

When this happens, people end up splitting their attention and trying to do other tasks during the other 55 minutes anyway, Hackney says. They become the person who is “clearly disinterested and doing emails”.

“The AI tools allow us to stop doing that,” he says. ”Personally, what I do now when I get in that situation is I reach out to the meeting organiser and I say, ‘Hey, can you make sure you turn on the AI tool, and can you send me the summary?’ And instead of sitting there, half concentrating for an hour, I read the summary in four minutes flat.“

Next up a deepfake to make it look like you aren’t checking your emails during that meeting.

Read the article here.

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