Anthropic has a fast new AI model — and a clever new way to interact with chatbots

Most people who use Anthropic Claude really quite like it. And it’s just had a big upgrade. From The Verge:

Claude 3.5 Sonnet will ultimately be the middle model in the lineup — Anthropic uses the name Haiku for its smallest model, Sonnet for the mainstream middle option, and Opus for its highest-end model. (The names are weird, but every AI company seems to be naming things in their own special weird ways, so we’ll let it slide.) But the company says 3.5 Sonnet outperforms 3 Opus, and its benchmarks show it does so by a pretty wide margin. The new model is also apparently twice as fast as the previous one, which might be an even bigger deal.

The chatbot providers are now leapfrogging one another at a rate of knots – unlike last year, when GPT-4 ruled the roost, defeating all challengers.

Read their coverage here.

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