Oops! Google Search caught publicly indexing users’ conversations with Bard AI

Is your conversation with an AI chatbot private? It will certainly be used to further ‘train’ the chatbot – but should what you’ve typed in be searchable? Probably not. And yet, that’s just what Venturebeat reports has happened with Google’s Bard:

Google Bard, the search giant’s conversational AI product, underwent a big update last week that earned mixed reviews. But this week, another, older Bard feature is coming under scrutiny: SEO consultant Gagan Ghotra observed that Google Search had begun to index shared Bard conversational links into its search results pages, potentially exposing information users meant to be kept contained or confidential.

This means that if a person used Bard to ask it a question then shared the link with a designated third-party, say, their spouse, friend or business partner, the conversation accessible at that link could in turn be scraped by Google’s crawler and show up publicly, to the entire world, in its Search Results.

Read the full article here – and be careful what you share with an AI chatbot!

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