When is a PC an AI PC? Nobody seems to know or wants to tell

What’s is an AI PC? No one seems to know – except it will definitely cost more. This article from The Register lays it out:

Asked on stage to define an AI PC, Luca Rossi, senior veep at Lenovo and president of the multinational’s Intelligent Devices Group, said it was working on things that are not yet public.

He said: “You will see that there will be some specific notions of what is an AI PC and there will probably be even several levels of AI PC available in the market.” General availability should not be expected very soon.

“An AI PC,” he added, “is a PC that learns about you continuously, it’s a PC that is your personal foundation model within the data within the PC and it is a PC that will be able to interact with you more naturally.”

All of that comes at a price – which, The Register notes – will make PC manufacturers happy. Read the article here.

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