Real estate agents are already using ChatGPT to do their jobs

Can you get an AI chatbot to do your job? Real estate agents in Australia are giving it a go, according to a report in Crikey:

CampaignAgent cofounder Seth Watts showed YouTuber Tom Panos how to use OpenAI’s ChatGPT to write property listings and correspondence. Watts promised that using the large language model to talk and write would help agents get a competitive advantage.

“This is giving me the ability for responding to every single annoying buying inquiry that I have to deal with … and it is giving me the ability to create a bespoke customer empathetic engaging piece of communication that’s going to stand me in good stead in front of that buyer,” he said. 

And it appears agents are taking this advice. In one listing on earlier this month, the property description concludes: “Regenerate Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT September 25 Version.”

Oops. Maybe edit that completion before you paste it into something?

Read the full article here.

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