I tried Microsoft’s AI-powered assistant, Copilot. The tool helpfully attends meetings and summarizes emails, but it’s best to treat it as a rookie intern.

This review of Copilot from Business Insider gives a good sense of a workplace with AI workflows:

Copilot is surprisingly easy to use. The tool adopts the casual chatbot style so it’s easy to prompt and accessible even to non-techie workers.

Workers can ask the bot to summarise long documents or turn them into PowerPoints or spreadsheets with a few clicks. It can also reply to emails and scan through your inbox, pulling out the most important messages and drafting responses.

Copilot can read through long email chains or Teams chats and provide summarize the main points.

While it seems destined for paperwork tasks, what other jobs do you reckon Copilot can do?

Read the review here.

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