Can an AI Become its Own CEO After Creating a Startup? Google DeepMind Cofounder Thinks So

CEOs think they’re irreplaceable. But are they really? Inc. Australia reports:

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind and now CEO of Inflection AI-a small, California-based machine intelligence company-recently suggested a possibility that could be reality in a half-decade or so. At the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos last week, Suleyman said he thinks AI tech will soon reach the point where it could dream up a company, project-manage it, and successfully sell products. This still-imaginary AI-nterpreneur will certainly be able to do so by 2030. He’s also sure that these AI powers will be “widely available” for “very cheap” prices, potentially even as open-source systems, meaning some aspects of these super-smart AIs would be free.

Will we see ‘fully automated luxury communism’ via AI CEOs? We can always dream…

Read the post here.

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