Semafor reporters are going to curate the news with AI

Newspapers are financially imploding; is AI going to rescue us? It might, according to The Verge, looking at Semafor’s ‘Signals’:

The easiest way to understand Signals is to go look at one yourself — it’s fundamentally a collection of links to stories from around the web about a topic, curated and summarized by a Semafor reporter. The twist is that Semafor built an AI-powered search tool called MISO (for “multilingual insight search optimizer”) to help those reporters find a broad range of stories in various languages to make that curation process more efficient. The company describes the tool as “a custom bot built on OpenAI’s platform and using Microsoft’s Bing search engine.”

It’s easy enough to build an AI tool to aggregate stories – but far harder to get it to separate truth from fiction. Good luck to Semafor.

Read the report here.

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