Cloudflare wants to put a firewall in front of your LLM

Cloudflare protects many websites from cyberattacks. Now they want to protect AI chatbots. From The Register:

The service, dubbed “Firewall for AI,” is available to the cloud and security provider’s Application Security Advanced enterprise customers. At launch, it includes two capabilities: Advanced Rate Limiting, and Sensitive Data Detection.

Advanced Rate Limiting allows the customer to create a policy that sets a maximum rate of requests performed by an individual IP address or API key during a session. Doing so helps to prevent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against the model, or other situations that would overwhelm the LLM with requests and disrupt its ability to process legitimate requests.

The second feature, Sensitive Data Detection, prevents LLMs from leaking confidential data in responses to queries. It also allows customers to set WAF rules that scan for financial information like credit card numbers, and secrets such as API keys, to ensure that these sensitive details don’t end up in an LLM’s responses.

This is a useful beginning to the kinds of security AI chatbots will need when public-facing. But there’s clearly much more to come.

Read the article here.

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