AI vs Teacher: How a hidden trick is showing which students use ChatGPT, Google Bard in class

Are students using AI chatbots to do their assignments? Probably. What can be done about it? Quite a bit, according to Business Today:

Daina Petronis, an English teacher from Toronto, Canada has garnered attention for her innovative approach to identifying essays generated by AI. In a TikTok video cited by Daily Mail, the teacher has grabbed both interest and criticism. Petronis unveiled a method she refers to as a ‘Trojan Horse.’ This technique involves embedding a hidden instruction within the essay prompt that directs the inclusion of specific, unrelated words in the student’s submission. The instruction, formatted in white text and minimised in size, remains unseen by students but is detected by AI when the prompt is copied into a tool like ChatGPT.

This is known as ‘prompt injection’. It’s a form of hacking. And not the good kind. NOT RECOMMENDED.

Read the report here.

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