Apple’s new AI model hints at how AI could come to the iPhone

Will they or won’t they? Everyone expects Apple to introduce an on-device AI chatbot with iOS 18 – which will be announced at their Worldwide Developer Conference in early June. Have we caught the first gilmpse of that technology? Possibly, according to The Verge:

Researchers from Apple released OpenELM, a series of four very small language models on the Hugging Face model library, on Wednesday. Apple said on its Hugging Face model page that OpenELM, which stands for “Open-source Efficient Language Models,” performs very efficiently on text-related tasks like email writing. The models are open source and ready for developers to use.

Having had a play with OpenELM, I don’t reckon the very smallest model is going to be usable – but the next one up is both usable – and should fit onto an iPhone 16.

Read about that here.

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