How is ChatGPT Transforming K-12 Education in Colorado?

A report from the front line about AI chatbots in primary and secondary education in the US state of Colorado:

A year and a half into ChatGPT’s life, the AI program’s impacts on education in Colorado and beyond are irrefutable. Conversations about artificial intelligence in the classroom have dominated conferences and training sessions for schools and universities across the state. Local and national technology and education experts are forming a new, statewide steering committee to explore the future of AI in Colorado education.

In this early Wild West era, decisions about ChatGPT’s usage in the classroom largely depend on who’s in front of the whiteboard and who’s in administrative leadership. That’s left educators and students alike still finding their footing as they navigate the new frontier of yet another disruptive technology feared by some and exalted by others.

It’s all about leadership – something I’m hearing more and more.

Read the analysis here.

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