IMF boss warns of AI ‘tsunami’ coming for world’s jobs

Will we all soon be out of work? The IMF seems to think so, as reported in The Register:

[IMF Managing Director] Georgieva told the Zurich event that artificial intelligence was likely to impact almost half of jobs worldwide (40 percent) and more than half (60 percent) of jobs in advanced economies, such as the US and UK, echoing a blog post from earlier this year.

If managed poorly, it could be quite the doomsday scenario. The IMF MD said that businesses and populations need to prepare for it.

In a Reuters report, Georgieva was quoted as saying: “It could bring [a] tremendous increase in productivity if we manage it well, but it can also lead to more misinformation and, of course, more inequality in our society.”

So much depends on being smart – and wise – in this transition to AI.

Read it all here.

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