Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search and the future of the web

A long interview with Pichai in The Verge, where he says things like:

I look at our journey, even the last year through the Search Generative Experience, and I constantly found us prioritizing approaches that would send more traffic while meeting user expectations. We think through that deeply and we actually change our approach. If there are areas where we feel like we haven’t fully gotten it right, we are careful about rolling it out. But I think what’s positively surprising us is that people engage more, and that will lead to more growth over time for high-quality content.

There’s a lot of debate about what high-quality content is. At least in my experience, I value independent sources, I value smaller things, I want more authentic voices. And I think those are important attributes we are constantly trying to improve.

Does Google know what it’s doing? Where it’s going? Is anyone actually in charge?

Read the full interview here.

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