Inside Anthropic, the AI Company Betting That Safety Can Be a Winning Strategy

A glowing piece in TIME about Anthropic:

Claude 3, which Anthropic released in March, was by some measures the most capable publicly available AI system at the time, outperforming OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini. That put Anthropic in the curious position of having a reputation as the most cautious AI company, while also owning—and selling access to—one of today’s most advanced versions of the technology. Three days spent at Anthropic’s headquarters, and interviews with Amodei and nine senior employees, made it clear they don’t see that as a contradiction. “We’re not a company that believes a certain set of things about the dangers that AI systems are going to have,” Amodei says. Figuring out what those dangers really are is “an empirical question”—one he sees as Anthropic’s mission to answer with evidence. That, he says, requires building and studying powerful systems.

I wish I had Anthropic’s PR firm.

Read the full piece here.

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