Apple AI play fails to excite investors

Despite the legion of ‘Apple Intelligence’ announcements at WWDC today, investors it seemed wanted more from the world’s occasionally-second-most-valuable-publicly-traded-firm. From Axios:

Apple also spent nearly 30 minutes demonstrating all of the different use cases of generative AI on iPhones and other devices, including…

  • The familiar — talking or typing to Siri using natural language.
  • The productive — keeping track of plans made in text messages like lunch reservations.
  • The creative — whipping up custom emoji that Apple is calling “Genmoji.”

Investors seemed to want more, sending Apple shares lower today as the announcement progressed. They closed down 1.9% to $193.12 by end of trading.

Were investors looking for a Microsoft-style reinvention of the core product?

Read their analysis here.

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