AI Detectors Get It Wrong. Writers Are Being Fired Anyway

Copywriters feel themselves under threat from apps that claim to detect AI generated-text. According to Gizmodo, it’s a growing problem:

In general, AI detectors work by spotting the hallmarks of AI penmanship, such as perfect grammar and punctuation. In fact, it seems one of the easiest ways to get your work flagged is to use Grammarly, a tool that checks for spelling and grammatical errors. It even suggests ways to rewrite sentences using, you guessed it, artificial intelligence. Adding insult to injury, Gizmodo spoke to writers who said they were fired by platforms that required them to use Grammarly. (Gizmodo confirmed the details of these stories, but we are excluding the names of certain freelance platforms because writers signed non-disclosure agreements.)

So maybe there needs to be another piece of software that introduces all sorts of random mistakes?

Read their report here.

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