Apple is handling AI so much better than Microsoft I may ditch Windows for macOS Sequoia

Tom’s Guide tends to be very Windows-focused. But maybe not so much right now:

Admittedly, this has a lot more to do with Microsoft’s relentless efforts to push “AI” into everything it sells than it does with how much I like Apple products. I carry an iPhone because I used to write about games and Apple’s App Store was the place to be if you were a mobile game dev, but otherwise I generally don’t get on with Apple’s design philosophies. Too often I feel like I can’t customize or control a key aspect of my device because Apple didn’t give me the option, and I hate that feeling.

But I’m starting to hate Windows Copilot and all the ways in which it’s infiltrating my PC even more. I’ve been using various forms of “AI” since Microsoft rolled out Bing with ChatGPT back in 2023, and I’ve yet to find a compelling reason to use any of them except to fill the Internet with garbage data.

This is ‘anecdata’ – but I’m hearing a lot of similar things out there.

Read the commentary here.

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