Revenge Of The Humanities

The simple fact of the matter is that interacting with the most significant technology of our time—language models like GPT-4 and Gemini—is far closer to interacting with a human, compared to how we have historically interacted with machines.

ChatGPT, explained

“Some writers have declared that the debut of ChatGPT on November 30th, 2022, marked the beginning of a new chapter in history akin to the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. Others have been more skeptical…”

Measuring the Persuasiveness of Language Models

Developing ways to measure the persuasive capabilities of AI models is important because it serves as a proxy measure of how well AI models can match human skill in an important domain, and because persuasion may ultimately be tied to certain kinds of misuse, such as using AI to generate disinformation, or persuading people to take actions against their own interests.

Watch an A.I. Learn to Write

While the inner workings of these algorithms are notoriously opaque, the basic idea behind them is surprisingly simple. They are trained by going through mountains of text, repeatedly guessing the next few letters and then grading themselves against it.

How to Use Google Gemini to Summarize YouTube Videos

Gemini offers a solution for summarizing lengthy YouTube videos. With this extension, users can conveniently access quick summaries and save time. If you’re pressed for time and can’t watch a full video, Gemini provides a practical alternative. Find out more about this helpful feature and learn how to use it effectively.

How to enable Copilot in Windows 10

Turning on Copilot on Windows 10 requires enlisting in the Windows Insiders Program, modifying the system registry, and tweaking the OS with a third-party app. Do not proceed if you do not want to risk encountering bugs or instabilities or if you are not comfortable with in-depth modifications.

Are CFOs ready for AI?

Most businesses haven’t taken a look at how AI may already be used by their employees. It could be that IT policies on office machines keep those PCs secure – but what about the machines folks use when working from home a few days a week?

Computational Power and AI

Large-scale compute is also environmentally unsustainable: chips are highly toxic to produce and require an enormous amount of energy to manufacture: for example, TSMC on its own accounts for 4.8 percent of Taiwan’s national energy consumption, more than the entire capital city of Taipei. Running data centers is likewise environmentally very costly: estimates equate every prompt run on ChatGPT to the equivalent of pouring out an entire bottle of water.

Video: Security & chatbots – What happens to what you type into an AI chatbot?

Should you be typing that information into an AI chatbot? Do you know where that information is going, how it might be used, and how many people might see it? In this brief guide – adapted from my new book Getting Started with ChatGPT and AI Chatbots – we look at the questions we need to ask before we hit Enter. This is highly recommended for anyone who uses an AI chatbot – either for work or in personal pursuits.

Video: Lying Chatbots – How do you know when you’re being gaslit by AI?

Did you know that an AI chatbot can make things up? While AI chatbots do not think, and are not trying to be deceitful, it’s in the nature of their programming to always provide a response – but they have no way to know whether that response is right or wrong, only that it is probable. A probable response will fool someone if it’s in an area outside their own expertise. Knowing this, how can we use AI safely?

What is a ChatGPT Persona?

So, when we talk about a ChatGPT persona, what exactly do we mean? In the realm of AI, a persona isn’t too different from its traditional definition: it’s a representation of a distinct identity or character. However, in this context, it refers to a tailored version of the ChatGPT model, designed to emulate certain characteristics, behaviors, or expertise.

OpenAI releases ‘Teaching with AI’

While many students have been using ChatGPT, Bing Chat and Bard to get some help with their homework, teachers have been more reluctant to use generative AI tools in the classroom. OpenAI has written a great introductory guide for educators who want to integrate AI chatbots into their instruction: