I asked Gemini and GPT-4 to explain deep learning AI, and Gemini won hands down

Ah, the battle of the chatbots. Today it’s Gemini (Pro) versus GPT-4, in ZDNet:

I asked Gemini and ChatGPT a simple question that you might ask when trying to understand an area through an analogy:

Is there a good analogy or metaphor for stochastic gradient descent?

As far as fulfilling the goal of explaining SGD via analogy, Google won hands down. Google was able to handle repeated prompts that sought to refine the solution. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, by contrast, got stuck, simply repeating bits of information in different ways without advancing the solution. 

However, ‘gradient descent’ is a sophisticated concept in machine learning – so this test may not be indicative of performance across a wide range of questions.

Read the assessment here.

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