Axios Explains: How to use ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini AI tools

The ever-helpful Axios provides a bit of a users’ guide to the ‘big three’ AI chatbots:

Why it matters: Getting started using any of these tools is easy, but knowing when and how to get the best results from them can still be tricky.

The big picture: All three of these chatbots are designed to create, edit and summarize content.

  • ChatGPT works well for most tasks. Google’s Gemini has access to more timely and updated information and Copilot is best for work tasks.
  • Chatbots can help you write your resume, create a basic recipe with the the ingredients you have in your fridge, summarize long articles, turn text into presentations, or create itineraries for vacations.
  • They’re also great for sparking creativity or combatting writers block. Some people even use them to help communicate with their kids.

Read their full guide here.

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