Google’s AI can ingest multiple books. What will it do with all that data?

Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro has a massive memory – a million ‘tokens’ (think of them as syllables). That means it can ingest and remember a lot. Just what to do with that? Business Insider has some suggestions:

Until recently, AI models could only handle a few thousand tokens. This meant that users were limited in their interactions with these systems. It was a bit like having a conversation with a forgetful friend who would have to restart the chat from scratch every so often.

Gemini 1.5 Pro is being previewed to a few lucky early testers. When it rolls out fully, users will be able to dump in whole book series, codebases, entire legal case histories, or really anything they want. This Google model can ingest all this information quickly and then answer questions about the data.

“Longer context windows show us the promise of what is possible,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai said when unveiling Gemini 1.5 in February. “They will enable entirely new capabilities.”

I have been testing this new version of Gemini Pro. It is very good – and remembers all of it.

Read the article here.

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