Gemini is the new Google+

A damning set of observations from Computerworld:

I was one of the few freaks who actually appreciated Google+, but there’s no denying the frenzy around it was an ill-advised overreaction to an external factor. It was a new religion — a “this defines us and everything we do from this moment forward” pivot. And while G+ itself had its good qualities, it was ultimately that determination within Google to force it into every possible corner — whether or not it belonged there and whether its presence was a positive upgrade or a practical downgrade for Google’s users — that doomed it from day one…

The question we all have to ask ourselves is if we really want to accept this new “magic dictionary” that feeds us alarmingly inaccurate information alongside the occasionally convenient results. Google and the other companies chasing this AI fantasy are desperate to have us see these systems as a life-changing leap forward, but it’s critically important for us to remain aware of the very real minuses that come with this latest shiny plus.

Google is trying hard to make that ‘magic dictionary’ look like the Next Big Thing. But is it?

Read the article here.

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