ChatGPT is getting ‘memory’ to remember who you are and what you like

Every day with ChatGPT is like Groundhog Day. It doesn’t remember anything from its interactions with us. But OpenAI is changing that, per The Verge:

Memory works in one of two ways. You can tell ChatGPT to remember something specific about you: you always write code in Javascript, your boss’s name is Anna, your kid is allergic to sweet potatoes. Or ChatGPT can simply try to pick up those details over time, storing information about you as you ask questions and get answers. In either case, the goal is for ChatGPT to feel a little more personal and a little smarter, without needing to be reminded every time.

What happens to this ‘memory’ – how it gets used and who gets to use it – could be a fraught topic for OpenAI.

Read the article here.

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